Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Your 1st Fitness Challenge

Here a few guidelines for picking a 1st fitness goal.

Pick a goal that you can reach in about 1 month--any longer and you won't see enough progress to keep you motivated.

Pick a challenge that is interesting. If you were in the military or wish you were, pick a challenge from a military fitness standard. If you enjoy a sport, pick a goal that comes from that sport.

Pick a challenge that will make you feel lean and strong--push-ups and pull-ups are great for that.

Here a few ideas:

Do 1, 5, or 10 regular push-ups.
Do your 1st pull-up (or 5).
Do 1 pull-up/5 push-ups/15 bodyweight squats in 1 minute.
Jump Rope for 1 minute without stopping.
Learn to do double-under's (jump roping), and do 5 in a row.

What will your 1st challenge be?


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