Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Train Like a Bar-Barian

On the challenge page, you'll notice the last challenge is the Bar-Barian Standard--membership requirements for joining an elite bodyweight exercise club called the Bar-Barians. Their standards are super high in the muscular endurance catagory (but if you can do those exercises for endurance, then you're very strong in the other muscular strength areas also).

The Standard:

In 6 minutes, do
-5 muscle-ups (on a bar)
-45 dips
-25 pull-ups
-55 push-ups
-5 muscle-ups

I've been thinking about this standard lately and setting it as my goal since I reached my last goal. And I've been thinking of ways to tackle it. You might work on doing the required number of reps for each exercise and then working on stringing them together. But that would be boring and slow going. I've seen other training plans, but they don't work with the time limits I have.

Here's another option for training-pyramids. Twice a week, do ascending pyramids of each exercise in a circuit.
  • 1 Muscle-up (or explosive pull-up if you can't muscle-up)/3 Dips/2 Pull-ups/3 Push-ups/1 Muscle-up and go up one level each time until you are close to failure (don't go to failure because you need the strength to go down the pyramid and training for success teaches you to expect success).
For your next 3 week cycle, test at the beginning and do this workout twice a week on your lifting days. Then test again after your bulletproof/recovery week.

Do you have other ideas for training for an elite challenge like this?

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