Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best Women's Fitness Equipment for the New Year

Maybe you're starting a new plan to get in shape for the new year or the lady in your life is starting a plan for the new year and you want to know what equipment to buy to do this right.

If you check the women's magazines for fitness plans--you can find plans in everything from Fitness to Taste of Home--you'll see them recommend using 3-5 lbs weights. I call those "What's-the-point" weights. They are so light that she will have do dozens of reps to get any benefit.

Here's my list:
  1. A kettlebell--pick one that is moderately heavy--about the weight of a 1 1/2-2 year old child--for most women this is a 15-18 lbs kettlebell. You will use this for swings, goblet squats, presses, rows, and woodchops. You can and often will get your whole workout with this one piece of equipment. This is the most expensive piece on the list, but it's well worth it. Check local fitness stores and even Wal-Mart so you don't have to pay shipping.
  2. Exercise Bands--buy a couple of different strength bands and make sure to include a loop so you can put this in a door for rows. LifelineUSA has great bands and handles that can hold multiple bands at once--increasing the resistence without having to buy a new band.
  3. Jump rope--This is great for doing cardio circuits and including agility/skill work in your workout. Plus, it's a lot of fun.
What would you include in your list of equipment for women?

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